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September 6, 2007 Board Meeting Minutes

    Board Members Present: Phyllis Calvert, Sandy Justis, Kenny Richardson, Mike Dooley, Shameka Wright, Betsy Phillips, Iris Allen, Gary Davis, Bill Symonds, Barbara Nash, and Curtis Crews.

    The SHRM Board met on September 6, 2007, at Famous Anthony’s on Wards Road. President Phyllis Calvert called the meeting to order at 8:20 am.

     Phyllis announced the state conference is October 5th through 7th, 2007. The board will still meet on October 7th.

    The board members need to review the by-laws and submit any changes to Phyllis before she submits them to national.

    The board discussed the local chapter dues and raised the question if they should be increased. At the present we are breaking even, however, the board will also investigate other places on pricing for the chapter meetings.

    There will be no charge for speakers or speaker’s guests.

    Board members are investigating places to have the December social.

    The 2008 board was again discussed.

    Our chapter has met the Chapter Achievement Plan for the year 2007.

    National has requested a list of our chapter’s members, which will be submitted.

    Curtis announced Shannon Valentine would like to visit one of our chapter meetings. She would like to speak for five minutes. August is difficult for the legislators so we should move the legislative meeting to September.

    Barbara Nash announced the scholarships have been sent to all schools in Region 2000 and the deadline is April 1, 2008.

    Kim reminded everyone that Johnny Taylor will be the speaker for the October chapter meeting. E-Blasts will be sent to all members. The meeting will be at the Kirkly. Kim also announced there were five (5) sponsors for Johnny Taylor at $500.00 each.

    Bill Symonds passed out the budget report.

    Kenny Richardson has had a job change and is now with R R Donnelly.

    The board discussed the remainder of the programs for the year 2007.

    There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m.

    Listed below is the program status for the year 2007:


    January 11

    Heidi Young, Assistant Chief Appeals Examiner - VEC

    “Unemployment Hearings at the Appeals Level”

    February 8

    Mary Bice, Centra Health – “Workplace Wellness” (1.50 HRCI Credit Approved)

    March 8

    LU Student Chapter to host and present program

    April 5

    Partners in Education *E. C. Glass

    May 10

    Greg Hunt, Gentry Locke Rakes & Moore - “Effective Investigations in Misconduct Cases” (1.50 HRCI Credit Approved)

    June 14

    Dr. Paul McKendrick, Superintendent (Lynchburg City Schools) – Preparing Students for the Workforce (Combined meeting with EAC) *James River Conf. Center

    July 12

    Summer Social – Depot Grille (4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

    August 9

    Legislative – TBD

    September 13

    Diversity – Shirley Davis, SHRM Diversity Director

    Learning to Lead an Increasingly Diverse Workforce (1.50 HRCI Credit Approved)

    October 11

    Johnny Taylor, Jr. – Immediate Past Chairman for SHRM

    “Courageous HR Leadership” *The Kirkley Hotel

    (1.50 HRCI Strategic Credit Approved)

    November 8

    Mike Battaglia, USDOL – Wage and Hour Update

    December 13

    Winter Social



    Respectfully submitted,

    Sandra R. Justis




    Friday, October 5, 2007


    8:15 a.m.


    Famous Anthony’s, 2014 Wards Road

    If you cannot make the meeting, please email Sandy Justis @