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May 2, 2008 Board Meeting Minutes

    Board Members Present: Phyllis Calvert, Iris Allen, Betsy Phillips, Barbara Nash, Bill Symonds, Lee Boyd, Sandy Justis, Barbara Parker, Shameka Wright, and Carla Lively.

    The SHRM Board met on May 2, 2008, at Famous Anthony’s on Wards Road. President, Betsy Phillips, called the meeting to order at 8:25am.

    Betsy announced the sponsors for the May meeting and that we had secured the $5,000 needed for the speaker fee.

    However, an extra cost of approximately $250 is needed to cover travel expenses. This includes hotel (Holiday Inn Select) which we will be able to get the NB Handy rate and a portion of the flight.

    Kim Hull agreed to pay the extra $250 if we could not raise more money. Betsy felt assured we could raise the extra money to cover these expenses.

    Betsy reported that as of the today, we had 62 people confirmed. Our goal was 60. Betsy will send out another announcement as a reminder.

    We will have 50/50 drawing for this meeting. We will see if the Student Chapter wanted a table for the 50/50.

    We are still awaiting HRCI approval for this meeting.

    Our July social will be at the City Cemetery. The board voted to have the July social from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. vs. 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. Betsy will check to see if the tent has a fan due to the hot weather in July.

    Lee Boyd suggested that we send a special thank-you to attendees and sponsors for the May meeting.

    Marketing information will or has been distributed to the following: Bedford and Altavista Chamber HR Group, President of State Council, Roanoke, Danville, Charlottesville and Lynchburg chapters.

    The chapter meeting for June is the combined meeting with EAC. A location for this meeting has not been confirmed.

    We will switch our October again. Plan to move the October meeting to November.

    Betsy went over the March meeting evaluation results.

    May door prize will be provided by Phyllis Calvert.

    Betsy Phillips gave an overview of the 2nd Quarter State Council Meeting.

    Betsy Phillips will survey board members for our input as to what we want to see/growth for 2009+ Succession Planning.

    Strategic Goals Review-Betsy Phillips:

    Ø National Enterprising Leadership Initiative - Stories will be complied into a book, which will be a collection of the initiative stories. Betsy has some ideas she would like to submit.

    Ø Branding (New Logo, Communications Chair) – Redistribute work and newsletter

    Ø Sponsorships – Start promoting at end of year vs. waiting until we have a meeting that needs sponsorships.

    Ø On-line reservations & payment – need someone to research other chapters.

    Ø Guest/Membership name tags – need for May meeting.

    Ø Board SHRM shirts – board was asked to wear their shirts to the May meeting.

    Phyllis Calvert provided a handout for possible meeting locations for 2009. Phyllis will continue to research some restaurants and a decision will be made at the May board meeting.

    Iris Allen announced that board pictures will be in newspapers on 5/7th except for the News & Advance which will be on 5/12th.

    Bill Symonds reported that our preliminary balance was 9,282.58.

    Barbara Nash announced that she received 25 scholarship applications and reminded everyone that the scholarships will be presented at our June chapter meeting.

    Barbara Parker announced that both teams from LU Student Chapter placed in the Regional’s and LU received the Collegiate Award. The Board is very proud of our Student Chapter.

    There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:30 am.

    Respectfully submitted,


    Iris H. Allen

    Iris Allen, Secretary




    June 6, 2008


    8:15 a.m.


    Famous Anthony

    If you cannot make the meeting, please email Iris

    Listed below is the program status for the year 2008:

    January 10

    Jamie Quetglez, Young Professionals of Central Virginia – “Winning the War for Talent”

    February 14

    Tom Brown, Business Jungle Enterprises – “Discovering Your Noble Purpose”

    March 13

    Liberty University Student Chapter – “The Impact of Stereotyping in the Workplace”

    April 10

    Partners in Education (at Heritage High School) – Dr. Mark Miear, Principal HHS – “HHS Programs to Prepare Students for Life After Graduation”

    May 7

    Simon T. Bailey, ADL Associates – “Release Your Brilliance”

    June 12

    Combined meeting with the EAC - Asst. Commissioner Shelby Robinson, VEC – “Levels of Service Concerns with VEC Staff Reductions”

    July 10

    Summer Social (4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

    August 14

    Dr. Brennan, Infectious Diseases Associates of Central Virginia – “Prospects for Bird Flu and Human Influenza in 2008”

    September 11


    October 9

    Walter Ghant, James Madison University – “Identifying and Understanding the Importance of Soft Skills”

    November 13

    December 11

    Winter Social (4:00pm – 6:00pm)