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April 10, 2008 Chapter Meeting Minutes

    The Chapter meeting was held at Heritage High School on April 10, 2008. President Betsy Phillips called the meeting to order at 12:15 and thanked Heritage and Partners in Education for their help with this meeting.

    The March 2008 minutes were approved as submitted.

    There was no old business.

    Bill Symonds reported that the account balance at the end of March was $12,154.80. The treasurer’s report is now on our website if members would like to review.

    Danielle Booker-Perry welcomed the new chapter members and announced that they should meet with her at the end of the meeting to receive their new membership packages. She also stated that the chapter would like to increase the membership by 7% for the year 2008. The chapter had 120 paid members for the year 2007 and to date we gave 100 paid members.

    Barbara Parker encouraged everyone to participate in the Liberty Student Chapter Survey,

    Betsy announced that the chapter meeting for May 2008 will be May 7th. This is a special meeting and she encouraged everyone to attend.

    Bruce Christian announced that there were six chapter members at the Workforce Forum and it was a great event, over 500 people who attended.

    Betsy then turned the meeting over to the speakers for Heritage High School and Partners in Education.

    The program enlightened members on the strides that the schools have taken to educate all children. This consists of not only college bound students but also the trades.

    Door prizes were awarded and the meeting was adjourned at 1:30 p.m.

     Respectfully submitted,

    Sandra R. Justis

    Sandra Justis

    Workforce Readiness





    May 7, 2008


    11:30 a.m.


    James River Conference Center

    Member Cost:


    Guest Cost:


    Please RSVP to Iris Allen no later than

    You can e-mail to

    Thanks so much and we look forward to seeing you there!


    2008 Program Schedule (See you at the next meeting)

    January 10

    Jamie Quetglez, Young Professionals of Central Virginia – “Winning the War for Talent”

    February 14

    Tom Brown, Business Jungle Enterprises – “Discovering Your Noble Purpose”

    March 13

    Liberty University Student Chapter – “The Impact of Stereotyping in the Workplace”

    April 10

    Partners in Education (at Heritage High School) – Dr. Mark Miear, Principal HHS – “HHS Programs to Prepare Students for Life After Graduation”

    May 7

    Simon T. Bailey, ADL Associates – “Release Your Brilliance”

    June 12

    Combined meeting with the EAC - Asst. Commissioner Shelby Robinson, VEC – “Levels of Service Concerns with VEC Staff Reductions”

    July 10

    Summer Social (4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)

    August 14

    Dr. Brennan, Infectious Diseases Associates of Central Virginia – “Prospects for Bird Flu and Human Influenza in 2008”

    September 11


    October 9

    Walter Ghant, James Madison University – “Identifying and Understanding the Importance of Soft Skills”

    November 13

    December 11

    Winter Social (4:00pm – 6:00pm)